Central Eye
The Central Eye is a prototype for a sustainable educational pavilion, site specific to Central Park. The pavilion itself requires no energy, so it is occupiable only during certain periods of the year. It focuses on teaching and learning via the low-tech passive solutions employed in its design. Those solutions include subterranean heating and cooling, day lighting, a compost toilet, rain water collection, and a green house. “Windows of Truth” feature sectional layers of the sustainable design techniques to reveal the pavilions inner workings.
Please enjoy the booklet below showcasing the Central Eye.
Excerpts from the booklet revealing site analysis, sustainable techniques, and educational programming.
Luxury Retail
The following work samples show facade details for a 12,000 sq-ft store built in Shanghai. This project featured a double height atrium, both exterior and interior storefronts, and a cafe. The renderings shown were created by the brand and are meant to show the large store’s scale and specialty work. My role in this Shanghai built luxury retail project was project manager and primary draftsperson.
Interior Renderings
Samples of 3D rendering work for residential design created in Winner.
Morphing Topographies
Project collaborators: Seb Choe, Samantha Fruhwirth
Morphing Topographies is a multi-layered landscape that can be re-implemented on a variety of scales. Guided by the words “screen,” “support,” “listening,” and “searching”, this siteless landscape was generated through an organic process of burning, sewing, and layering mesh and foam.
Three typologies of spaces were then identified in the landscape: (1) pathways, (2) partial enclosure / overhangs, and (3) voids / large scale enclosures.
In the 3D digital reproduction of the landscape, similar techniques revealed a gradient of the same spatial typologies. This gradient could then be manipulated on different scales to create a desired experience of the environment in terms of “listening” and “searching”.